Academic Coaching is a working partnership between me as a coach and a peer lecturer and student that focuses on the “process” of learning, research, and publication of research results. It can make the difference in the lives of students who are struggling to stay afloat.
I work together with the colleagues and my students to identify what is really holding what’s holding them backs Doing research and publish it on international reputation Journals; Examining the student’s learning styles, methods of organization, and current barriers to success. With this knowledge, the Academic Coach and the lecturer/student can create and put in place a strategic plan for success.
By identifying and addressing our student’s underlying fears, patterns and limiting beliefs they’ll be able to stop making excuses and start taking action to achieve what they really want.
With Academic Coaching our student can:
Improve their study skills
Enhance their level of motivation
Improve time management
Improve their grades
Get organized
Set and reach goals
As a scientist, we are expected to share your research work with others in various forms. Probably the most demanding of these forms is the paper published in a scientific journal. Such papers have high standards of quality, and they are formally disseminated and archived. Therefore, they constitute valuable, up to date references for other scientists — and for us, too. In fact, the number of papers of Indonesia university lecturers publishes and their importance (as suggested by their impact factor) is 'absolutely' viewed as a reflection of our scientific achievements. Writing high-quality scientific papers takes time, but it is time well invested.
As we may have noticed, however, many scientific papers fail to usefully communicate research work to their audience. They focus on the authors instead of on the readers by failing to clarify the motivation for the work or by including unnecessary details. Additionally, in many cases, authors try to impress the readers rather than inform them. As a result, they are interesting to or understandable by only a small set of highly specialized readers. Effective scientific papers, in contrast, are interesting and useful to many readers, including newcomers to the field.
Several documents below will help you write better scientific papers in English. In particular, it will help you select and organize your content, draft your paper, find the novelty, and revise your writing so that your final paper is useful to a broad audience — not just a few specialists.